Sunday, 13 April 2014


'A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014'

My sleepy Mr Squish. This week you mastered sitting, spoon sucking and wrestling with your sippy cup. You giggle in fits of laughter when I give you sneaky glances as you amuse yourself in your bouncer while I do the dishes. I hope you will always find me as hilarious as you do in those moments. This week you also supervised your dad's weeding in the shade of the letterbox, and supervised me packing our house into boxes from your director's highchair. You are thinking about crawling and you rock back and forth like a funny little frog. The three of us survived 11 hours on a plane together, and you flopped on my shoulder like this after some bobbing and your normal grunting and groaning to get you to sleep for your morning nap in your little tent. Your camping adventure around South Africa has begun my boy. What fun we will have! 

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