Monday, 26 May 2014


Long weekends are so lovely. Today feels like Sunday so I'm pretending I'm not late with my weekly wrap up.
Beetroot, birds at the beach with the babies, body balance, the bush and getting the brain back in work mode this week!

1. Beetroot baby. A beautifully messy meal.
2. The baby and the bird.
3. My shadow whilst pushing the baby to sleep at the park.
4. Morning light through the bedroom blinds.
5. Colour on the horizon and sliver of a moon.
6 - 8. The bush. Red Dog Festival Relay supporting for Saturday and Sunday.
9. The beach with the baby on the daddy's shoulders.
10. Beautiful flowers from the Dampier Community Assiciation for judging their awesome art award.

Sunday, 25 May 2014


'A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014.'

George my partner in crime with the cheeky twinkle in his eye. Always busy eating, playing or sleeping, or in this instance helping me do the washing and change the sheets. My little burrito. What fun we have.


This week we cleaned our old house from top to bottom (is there anything worse than cleaning a house you no longer live in? Can you hear my sigh of relief to have that over and done with?!), we ate lots of yummy things, we went for afternoon walks and we lay on the picnic rug out the front.

1. Dad and his assistant fixing the creepy. Makes my heart melt.
2. Making a little card for a little boy.
3. 16 water pipes.
4. Peekaboo concrete pipes with circle cut outs.
5. 3 palms at the park: the baby, the mummy and the daddy.
6. Clean sheets and clean clothes.
7. Avocado. This kid's concentration levels when eating are intense.
8. Advice from a candle at my Mother's Day massage.
9. A pretty weed (that's not weed). George proceeded to eat said weed.
10. Colour clashing picnic patterns.
11. 1 cloud.
12. The best back of toilet door graffiti I've seen. Someone is spreading the love and putting these lovely stickers in public toilets in Karratha, what a beautiful idea.

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Thursday afternoon walk to the park. There's the baby snoozing over there. Me, I am lying on the grass in the shade trying to spot that kingfisher again, messaging family and friends about babies and breastfeeding and writing this here blog - it's a good day.
See those pom poms on that tree? How cool are they!?

Sunday, 18 May 2014


'A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014.'

A moment of stillness at our new local park. An oasis of green with swings, a slide, sand and shade. A new favourite spot for you and for me.
We watch the birds, we sing on the swings and we eat leaves and grass..I mean... YOU eat leaves and grass.. when I'm not looking.. I'm onto you son!


Settling in, unpacking and chasing a baby around.

1. Attacking Mr Monkey
2. Rainbow Bee-eaters hunting their dinner.
3. This guy. My afternoon strolling buddy.
4. Bird watching. There's a colourful Rainbow Bee-eater somewhere in that tree.
5. Uh oh. How did that happen? More chocolate please...
6. The boys and the pebbles.
7. A pretty bun. Roar..
8. Birds eye baby view #2
9. 'Oh hello mum'
10. Morning light.
11. Beautiful high pressure hose puffs.
12. And water drops.
13. Pretty painting workshop palette.
14. An afternoon dip.
15. And a monkey in a tree.

Wishing you all a happy week ahead pom pommers *** xxx

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


More dangly things this evening at pottery, this time with a fruit loop and donut flavour.
They look a bit dull now but should spruce up with some colourful underglaze next week. 
The bottom leaves, raindrops and confetti dangly things came out of the bisque firing this evening.
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Happy pom pomming ***

Sunday, 11 May 2014


'A portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014.'

George the baby gorilla. Doing your downward dog and checking out your new home. 
This is your Dad's current favourite photo of you. It cracks us up. You funny little thing. Happy exploring little monkey man.


This week we discovered that packing and moving house with a somewhat mobile six month old is challenging!
George is into everything. With his dead leg army crawl he manages to speed from the safety zone of his playmat to a nice head bashing location under the first shelf of the glass tv cabinet. Needless to say we are doing some serious baby proofing at the new place.
Although we're being run ragged to keep up with him, it's also great fun watching him explore and examine everything within his grasp - that bit of fluff by the oven, tasty shoelaces, cardboard boxes and holes in the lino floor.

I should probably rename this blog to 'Phots of baby George and funny shaped clouds' but I promise some crafty stuff will be back on the cards very soon.
For the time being here's some photos of baby George and funny shapes clouds. I could take pictures of both all day long.

1 & 2: Post sun shower at the park
3: Baby birds eye view 
4: Exploring the kitchen
5: Precariously pulling up on things
6: Helping hang the washing 
7: Yellow oval leafed Senna
8: Our new oasis at number 7
9: Karratha clouds at back beach and searipple road
10: All plates were packed except the Wedgewood platter 
11: Record setting speed removals 
12: Swinging with Grandma B
13: Sunset by the new pool