Sunday, 4 May 2014


This week was so full it is hard to summarise. I seem to be getting worse at  selectively editing my images and keeping it to seven images for seven days. This week we have 16 images for 7 days and there could've been more. I'm not sure if it's since having a baby that I have become more soulful and observant, or if I have always been that way. Perhaps it is the travelling and returning home and constantly being surrounded by beautiful places and people that warm my heart. Whatever the reason, I have been taking a lot of photos and it makes me happy to reflect back on them and share them.

1-2: My backseat buddy; pom pom pincher and colourful contraption chewer, surrounded by animals and filled up with puréed apples and pears and renditions of Old Macdonald.
3-6: ROADTRIP!! 7 hours Joburg to Durban return. Probably not high on the recommended list of activities to do with a 6 month old but who cares! We did it and by all accounts we loved it! Such a stunning journey with wonderful company.
7-10: 5 Sand Rd; an inspirational family home. Snoozing in the afternoon sun, succulents in the garden, magical Weaver's nests, hydrangea bushes that look like a bunch of butterflies about to flutter away. Egyptian motifs, mosaic mirrors, a walk in pantry, earthy upholstered footstools, vintage furniture, fresh fruit and veg, ornaments and trinkets, bursting bookshelves and a garden to get lost in.
11: The baby on the bed in the big boy room amongst all of the crazy cushions after an afternoon snooze for the two of us.
12-16: To see the sea. Cottesloe on a calm and cool day at mid morning strolling with the baby and dusk after drinks with the girls. Those Norfolk pines steal my heart, what fun little spikey characters that reach up and up. When we move back to Perth that park may have to be a regular spot to play and watch the Sunday sun disappear.

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