Another week has flown by. It was a pretty good one in our little life. I hope it was for you too.
1. Colourful pillow stripes
2. My jolly jumper
3. My kind of baby snack - cute little flower pumpkin cheerios
4. Swinging and daydreaming
5. A bird in the tree
6. Snoozing
7. A lantern, red wine and dinner with friends
8. I often wish we had a dog
9. My fuzzy boys playing on the rug
10. Attempting to tidy up the permanent pile next to my bed. I hope other people make as much mess as I do (please tell me you do!)
11. Baby birds eye view in the ball pit
12. Thursday potting: 5 wonky bowls
13. Loving this crazy wool
14. Little explorer on the driveway
15. Sitting on the bed with a saggy sock
16. Baby and the daddy on the bridge
17. Baby boy a little weary of baby pigs
18. Keeping a eye out for said baby pigs
19. Delicious homemade chocolate cake with some lovely ladies
20. Point Samson Saturday sundown
21. Ladies golf play off, loving Gina's crazy colourful outfit and polka dot pants
We live in such a beautiful place. Every week I am so grateful for all of the awesome people in my life, the many things I get to do from week to week and the love and support I receive from my family and friends. With so much devastation, fighting and horrific things happening around the world I really am so blessed in my life, not a day goes by where I don't think that. I hope I will always have time for this weekly reflection and moments to stop and think what I can do to bring hope and happiness to other peoples lives, and maybe a little bit of colour and the odd pom pom ***
x J
Looks like a good week :)