Saturday, 1 November 2014


'A portrait of my son once a week, every week in 2014'

George, last night whilst trying to get to sleep I lay in bed smiling and thinking of you.
For some reason you had woken up completely distraught about 45 minutes after going to bed. We got you up to play with your toys while we watched a DVD. You were pretty content and must have just wanted some company.
After a bit of sorting through your toys you made your way to one of your favourite spots - pressing buttons on the dvd player and foxtel box (oooh the pretty blue light!)
After a couple of 'no!'s and 'George, away from there...' from me, you got the fright of your life when a booming 'George!!' came from Dad. You stopped dead in your tracks, looked back at us on the couch, put your hands in your lap, turned your bottom lip over and your head flopped down. 'Come here' said Dad, pointing infront of him on the blue rug. You sheepishly crawled over like a naughty little puppy. I had to bite my lip from laughing. We praised you and cuddled you and said what a good boy you were. Surprisingly there were no tears. Poor little sausage. Golly it was funny. This parenting thing is hard! Especially with a cheeky little monkey that likes to push the boundaries (not that pressing buttons is really that bigger deal, but I guess you start small).
Here you are inspecting the vegetable patch and looking back to check that I'm watching you. Don't worry you're not in trouble! 

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